Glimpses of our work

We just do not say it; we bring ideas into reality and make it possible with the collaboration of our E-Learning team. The creativity and hard work of our E-Learning team reflect in the E-Learning courses that we create. We do not have to explain it in words because our work reflects it all. Let us have a look at the work we pulled off until now and get an idea of what we will be doing down the road.


Sustainability is call of the hour in the present times. Still people lack awareness about sustainability and create such situations that can get tougher with time to deal with. ‘Sustainability’ is a course that explains sustainability, pillars of sustainability and sustainable choices in a very easy-to-understand manner. This course provides cognizance to everyone for valuing the world that we live in and making it a better place for the future generation.

Working Across Cultures

Several corporate jobs and companies demand their employees to go abroad for various reasons. Employees have to stay in a foreign country and live with foreign culture. ‘Working across cultures’ is a course developed for employees who want to understand and embrace the culture of another country where they will have to live for a long while. This course focuses on making people understand that “when in Rome, do as Romans do.

“E-Learning doesn't just happen! It requires careful planning and implementation.”

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